Your Rights

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It is Your Right to

In keeping with our continuing commitment to our patients and delivering quality outcomes, Maryvale Private Hospital respects each patient’s right to participate in health care choices that affect them.

If you are unable to make your own decisions, Maryvale ensures that your interests are the focus of any decision that affects you. Maryvale Private Hospital, your doctor and other health care professionals will work with you and your family to ensure that, at all times, your rights will be respected. Maryvale Private Hospital adheres to the Australian Charter of Health Care Rights.

Children’s Healthcare Rights

At Maryvale Private Hospital, we are committed to the safety and wellbeing of children who attend the hospital as a patient or visitor and respect the individual and cultural needs of those accessing our services. We have a zero tolerance approach to child abuse.

Maryvale Private Hospital’s policies, procedures, systems and processes together create a culturally safe and inclusive environment and meet the needs of Aboriginal children, young people and their families. Systems are in place to mitigate risks, identify and escalate concerns regarding the safety and wellbeing of a child which includes the investigation and reporting of incidents or concerns.

We follow and adhere to the prescribed Child Safe Standards. Posters displaying children’s rights under the Child Safe Standards are displayed at the main reception of the hospital.

Your Responsibilities

  • To be concise and correct in explaining your own medical history and to include any details of medications you are taking
  • To answer questions about your health frankly and honestly and to discuss and make decisions with your doctor regarding any problems which you feel may be affecting your health or medical condition
  • To inform the doctor involved in your care, if you are currently in consultation with or under treatment from another health professional or alternative medicine/therapy, in connection with the same condition
  • To query any issues you don’t understand with the doctor before you consent to any procedure/treatment
  • To accept the consequences of your own informed decisions about your treatment and discharge planning
  • To comply with prescribed treatment or inform the hospital professionals that you do not intend to do so
  • To conduct yourself in an appropriate way and respect the well being and rights of other patients and staff
  • Not to behave in a way that may interfere with current medical treatment, such as consuming alcohol or drugs whilst on hospital premises
  • To raise questions or discuss any problems that you may be experiencing as soon as they occur with the Doctor, Nurse Unit Manager or the nurse looking after you
  • To inform the hospital when asked if you do not wish your information to be forwarded in relation to the continuation of your care after you leave hospital
  • To know the name and address of your local doctor
  • If you are a private patient to pay your attending doctor’s fees and the hospital’s charges as billed

Privacy Information

As a patient of Maryvale Private Hospital you have a right to be fully informed of the personal information we will collect from you, what we will use it for, how we will store it and your right of access to it.

Your Personal Information

  • We will collect it discreetly
  • We will store it securely
  • Subject to what we say in this section, we will only provide your personal information to people involved in your care
  • We will provide relevant information to your health fund, or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Medicare Australia, Cancer Council, Victorian Department of Health and other entities when we are required by law to do so
  • After removing details that could identify you, we may use the remaining data to assist with research and service improvement projects. We are also required to provide this kind of information to government agencies
  • We will destroy our record of your information when it has become too old to be useful or when we are no longer required by law to retain it
  • We may use this information to contact you regarding your hospital visit.
  • All staff employed at Maryvale Private Hospital must by law, respect the confidentiality and privacy of the information collected

Accessing your Personal Information

Individuals have a right to access the personal information that Maryvale Private Hospital holds about them. In certain circumstances we may refuse a request for access as allowed by the Privacy Act or other applicable laws. If Maryvale Private Hospital refuses access, we will give written notice of our decision, including our reasons and how to complain if the individual is not satisfied with the decision.

Maryvale Private Hospital aims to ensure that your information is accurate and complete. You can help us achieve this by notifying us of change in personal details, such as name or address.

You can request access to personal information by contacting

Maryvale Private Hospital
Mailing address: PO Box 348, Morwell VIC 3840
Telephone: (03) 5132 1200

Each individual requesting access must do so in writing and will be required to verify their identity.

A fee will be charged for collating and providing access to personal and health information.

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