GP Liaison Service

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Valuing General Practice in Gippsland

Maryvale Private Hospital recognises the important role that GPs and Visiting Medical Officers play in the continuum of care. We endeavour to stay closely connected and are always happy to take feedback in order to improve our services.

Maryvale Private Hospital has a dedicated GP Liaison whose role is to support the needs of the local community in accessing the comprehensive range of private healthcare services available at our hospital.

Our GP Liaison Role is designed to foster a closer relationship between the hospital, Specialists and the General Practice community to assist Doctors to navigate the services, enhancing patient care and choices.

The GP Liaison can assist with

  • Communicating information and provision of resources relating to services and referral processes for GPs and their patients
  • Personalised onsite consultation service for GPs to provide updates regarding the hospital, visiting specialists and services
  • Supporting visiting specialists at Maryvale Private Hospital
  • GP education events presented by Maryvale Private Hospital’s Specialists

For further information about this service please contact

Rebecca McQuillen GP Liaison
Mobile: 0438 925 660 Email: